It's a nice city in some ways, although it doesn't feel like a city, fee ls like a big town. But the main thing that would make me not come here if i knew is the price. It is insanely expensive, a big mac is 18 aussie dollars. i didn't get one but i wanted to find out. Even the cheapest sandwich at a little 711 place was about 12 dollars.
But yesterday i went ot the Hardangerfjord for the day and it really was spectacular. ALMOST worth all the other hassles. Tomorrow I'm gong to see Songnefjord so maybe that will add up to make coming to Norway worth it.
London was really great. I was surprised at how beautiful it is, but I won't go on about it as I guess it's like writing to Martians about Mars or something.
I also had a realy fantastic day with Grandpa and Kelli at Seaford near Brighton. The weather was perfect and the area is really beautiful. I am running out of time though as I am sing the library internet as it is free for half an hour!
Having a beer with kerrin near Hammersmith bridge, still awake after flying 12 hours from Tokyo, i think that's how i avoided any jetlag
Me and Grandpa at Seaford
Kelli enjoying the view while Grandpa ties his lace!
ooh i forgot to mention i spent some of the morning in Oslo wandeirng around the nearly completed new Opera House. It is SPECTACULAR! I couldn't leave, kept taking photos...gotta go
10 seconds left aggh