Friday, July 18, 2008

Nagoya to Takayama

I stayed with Kazumi on thursday night a her place in Yokaichi. I took an hour to meet her at Nagoya as the station is so big and confusing. We walked around Nagoya for a while (it has 8 million people!) and went to this cool new building called Spiral Towers. Will put picture up. Went To Nagoya Castle, saw a lot of Sumo men walking around as there is a tournament on there at the moment.
Yesterday morning came back to Nagoya and got the Hida Wide View train to Takayama. Nearly three hours north-west of to Takayama. Nearly three hours north-west of Nagoya. Thought there would be some releif here from the heat, but no. Got off the train and it was still disgustingly hot and sticky. But the night was a bit cooler which was nice. I‘m staying here at Zenkoji Temple, which is an old temple here at Zenkoji Temple, which is an old temple that is now a hostel. I got up at 1am and snuck down to the empty dorm room (tatami mats and thin little futons and hard pillows) just next to the internal garden. My room had cigarrette smoke seeping thruogh the thin walls from the other room and light coming in. I haven`t slept properly since i got got here so needed sleep. I stayed in that room till 5 as i was scared the owner would come and tell me to get out (we already heard him telling someone off because he wanted to look at the toilets before he made a booking!).

Tomorrow head for Tokyo, then Mt Fuji for the climbing. Apparently there is a typhoon coming, so i hope it`ll pass and won`t bring rain!
Oh i also wish i took more time to learn even a little bit more Japanese other than please, thank you, hello etc. Every little thing is an effort. I think that is also why i am so tired, because by myself figuring out every bit like even yesterady getting my bag out of the locker at Nagoya, i couldn`t even read the characetrs on the screen to know what to press. Eventually a nice lady helped me, but i was cutting it fine for making my reserved seat train.
Oh and with Kazumi we went out for sushi train, but they don`t call it a train (although special orders came out directly on miniature bullet train!) I had raw octopus and other fishy things.

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