Friday, July 25, 2008


i don't think i've written anything about Tokyo yet, but i've been here nearly a week and is my last day. I arrived and went straight to Shinjuku where i was staying before going to Fuji. I knew it would be amazing, but then i didn't realise until i got here. It is definitely more interesting, more exciting than NY. And, strangely enough, despite being in Japanese (and English) the subway system is about ten times easier and more efficient than NY. I don't know why i'm comparing it to NY, proabaly becasue that's what everyone thinks of when they think of a big, modern city. But here, there is an interesting sense that you are simulatnaeously in the past and in the future. Also feel very safe walking around at all hours in any area (almost) by myself.
Onyl one thing happened where i was trying to find where i was staying in shinjuku when i first arrived and a guy rode up to me on hisbike as i was looking at my map and aimlessly walking. He got off and said he would help me straight away and after few minutes lookingat the map says i am over here, and not here, where i thought i was. I was tired and hot so i slightly beleived him and he said he would take me to the right direction, but i wasn't very trusting. I followed a little with him wheeling his bike ahead, then i notice his sneakers, which were ultra-cool sneakers. That was the clincher, i just couldn't picture ultra-cool sneakers going with random acts of kindness to strangers. So i let him keep walking and asked someone else. Turns out i was exactly where i thought i was.
So after returning from Fuji i spent practically a whole day wandering Harajuku, after going to Yoyogi park and the free view from the Tokyo Metroplotian Government Buildings. I LOVED harajuku, if i had time i would have spent another whole day there in the back lanes with a dozens of interesting little buildings. I love the way here behind every main road is an equally, if not more, active back road just for pedestrians. I found the GA Gallery evetually, and found the Sunwell Building i was told about (tho only given a description). So when i stumbled on the Tokyo Design School and the guy there gave me a tour (he seemed to think it was strange soemone would want a tour of the building, but he was nice and showed me around, it was a cool building) then i asked him about this building i knew was nearby and (as with everything here) needed a map instead of an address. So i found it and the pictures are up here.
The rest of the times have been almost equally fadcinating and full of tiny streets, and interesting shops and very very very hot weather and the continual need to find a public seat (but no where are they to be found).
But i would definitely come back and see more of Japan with a longer rail pass.
Tomorrow fly to London!

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